Best Ways to Keep Your Liquor Cool This Summer

Like any problem, keeping your beloved wine fresh requires the right tools, appliances, and technical knowledge. Here are our favorite tips, tricks, and ways to beat your biggest summer problems and keep your wine and beverage experience fresh.

Automated wine coolers

More seasoned versions of ice cubes are automatic electronic wine coolers. Like the Kingsbottle, they are similar to small bucket coolers, usually containing a bottle or two. These can be pricey, but they are nice if you can buy one as you can precisely control and sustain the solicited temperature.


Good old refrigerator

It may be obvious, but unless you are living near the poles, your old fridge is a summer wine's best friend. Yes, even red. If the room temperature is around 70 ° F / 21 ° C, cool it for 15 minutes before serving to lower the temperature to 64 ° F / 18 ° C. If the red is much warmer (say 75 ° F / 24 ° C), give it half an hour.

The whites and roses take a steady hour to cool down to a good service temperature of around 50 ° F / 10 ° C. If you like very cold wine (42 ° F / 6 ° C), two hours in the fridge before serving should be sufficient.


Ice bucket

If you are serious about wine during the summer season, you should have an ice bucket. If you don't mind and don't mind casual style, just grab a bucket from your garage. If you don't have ice, even a bucket of cold water will keep your wine cool for a while.

Ice cubes work best if you add salt. Freshwater cannot fall below 32 ° F / 0 ° C without freezing. Adding a little salt will allow you to reach a lower temperature and cool the wine faster.

Extra tip: drink outside and don't have a bucket? Immerse the bottle in a body of water (fountain, river, lake, even the sea). Don't forget to secure it with a rope!


Cooling sleeves

These, like the Vacu Vin Active Cooler, are frozen kinds of stuff in a jacket that encloses the bottle. It works best if your wine is indeed cold, but it will not cool down a wine significantly. See a wine shop. Some brands donate some of them if you buy their wine.

The only problem with an ice jacket is that you can't check Vivino while it's on.


Cooling tubes

If you want to be at the forefront of iced wines, innovations have taken place in recent years. Now, many manufacturers offer systems that can instantly cool your wine while it's serving.

These cooling pour tubes are inserted into the bottle’s opening, with systems like Corkcicle and Host, and a new system called the RAVI instant wine cooler.


Ice cubes

If you fail with our 5 tactics for keeping an open bottle of wine and don't want to use any of these three tips to get the most out of your leftover wine, you can always freeze your remaining wine in an ice cube tray. Then use the cubes to cool your next wine. The only problem? You can end up mixing different types of wine when the cubes dissolve.

You can use frozen grapes to chill wine without diluting or mixing it. It's fun, and it also makes delicious grapes. However, we don't recommend them for expensive wines, but they do fine with summer wines that are easy to drink.


Put wine in the freezer

Some say this is dangerous, but it is actually fine as long as you have control over the time of the operation. Freezing wine is horrible. Cooling it down in the freezer is good. Use a loud timer (there's one on your phone, along with the Vivino app): 15 minutes for a gentle cooler, and half an hour for best results.

This is also not recommended for really thin bottles, but it is good for everyday wines.

But of course, to be really ready to drink all summer long, always keep the bottle of wine in the wine and beer fridge for unexpected reasons to share a refreshing glass. If there is enough space, keep a bottle of white or beer, one of the roses, and don't forget the champagne!

 KingsBottle: The Best Brand for Wine Coolers

KingsBottle is one of the leading brands in Australia and offers you exotic types of stainless steel wine coolers and fridges in order to prevent the wine from rusting. At our store, you can find an exclusive array of metal refrigerators to adapt to any party table.

We also offer advanced wine and beer coolers with holders and knobs that are idle for small as well as big parties. That's because coolers of this type help transport wine or other liquor seamlessly for guest service. In addition, freestanding freezers are designed to conveniently fit in any space, be it a party table or dining table.

Wine coolers, in addition to supplementing a refreshing coating to your wine, limit the wine from spilling while it thaws. Our brand is popular among the masses in Australia owing to various attributes like ample storage for more wine, easy to use & portability, chilled glasses, environmentally friendly, pretty Affordable, and low in maintenance.

Wine coolers offered by Kingsbottle, in addition to being profitable, need a low-maintenance plant. That's because the wine and beer cooler works on a simple concept and its different parts aren't very costly either. Since refrigerators and coolers are larger units and can also be used to store all types of liquor, they cost more and also need more maintenance.

Since wine and beer coolers use a thermal mechanism to cool, there are magnificent energy savings in the Kingsbottle brand which in turn supports the environment. In addition, there is no toxic emission of chemicals from the wine coolers as a result of the cooling process, which makes it the most reliable method for wine storage purposes.


Let’s Wrap Up:

You can the Best Wine & Beverage Coolers in Australia At KingsBottle and enjoy the beverage with this add-on refrigerator for your convenience at home. The wine coolers offered by KingsBottle have all the new features and they are easy to use and do their job like professionals presenting a satisfying and enjoyable wine experience for your guests.


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