Buying Guide for Built in Under-Counter Glass Door Beverage Coolers & Refrigerator

 An built-in under-counter glass door beverage cooler is a type of refrigerator that is specifically designed to store wine. Wine coolers are specifically designed to preserve wine and keep it properly and allow it to age over time. Not every home or budget can accommodate the preparation and purchase of a large winery, but every home could have a wine cooler! 

From a normal wine lover to a wine expert, under-counter glass door beverage refrigerators are one of the most economical and effective ways to preserve and age wine. Wine coolers not only protect and store wine in a controlled environment that is perfectly suited to the needs of both young and old vines but are also efficient and affordable.

 1. Constant temperature range for storing wine

The digital thermostat cooler is designed to create a stable temperature range adjusted between 50 and 59 degrees Fahrenheit. Within this temperature range, wine can withstand short-term storage and grow ideally under long-term storage conditions. Temperature stability is the main reason why storage in a regular refrigerator is not the best, as the average glass door beverage cooler is well below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Low temperatures can prevent wine spoilage, but they can also avoid the full flavor of the wine from developing. For example, a properly aged Cabernet Sauvignon will evolve from a cone-shaped red to a smoother, more complex wine with subtle differences such as wood and leather.

Also, while built-in glass door beverage coolers fluctuate in temperature throughout the day as they are repeatedly opened and closed, wine coolers provide a constant and stable temperature. Temperature stability is essential for the life and taste of wine, as extreme heat speeds up wine maturation, and intense cold hinders growth.

2. Low vibration of the compressor

Another advantage of a wine cooler is an entirely vibration-free environment. Vibrations, such as those found in regular built-in under-counter glass door beverage coolers, disrupt the natural deposition of wine and inhibit natural aging. Vibration-induced movement speeds up the aging process of the wine, as does overheat. Fortunately, wine coolers are designed to minimize vibrations as much as possible, allowing the wine to settle undisturbed.

3. No natural light

Natural light is the natural enemy of wine. A dark, thick bottle provides some protection, but prolonged exposure to natural or fluorescent light will degrade and ruin the flavor of the wine over time. Wine flavors are flat and uninteresting.

Fortunately, wine coolers are equipped with solid or glass doors with built-in protection from light, ensuring that your wine is protected from this harmful effect.

4. Ideal Wine Environment

Unlike other environments such as normal refrigerators, wine coolers are specifically designed to store wine. This means that you won't disturb the wine to get a bottle of cranberry juice in the back of the fridge or accidentally kick the Napa Valley wine box when looking for an old tennis racket. In addition, the wine stored in the wine cooler- instead- is gently placed so as to ensure its preservation without being exposed to bright light while enjoying a tranquil and perfectly cool ambiance.

5. Meet your storage needs

Storing wine in normal refrigerators is outdated. For a short period (6 months or less), they keep your wine in ideal storage conditions so the flavors you want to enjoy tonight or in the next 6 months are not compromised. Built-in under-counter glass door beverage coolers also keep your wine fresh, so when you're ready to drink it, you can enjoy your wine at close to the proper serving temperature!

In addition to short-term storage, wine cabinets provide a great environment for aging wines that are more than a year old. Considering that over 80% of the world's wine is bottled and consumed, wine coolers can meet many wine lovers' storage and aging needs. For those who are more serious about aging, a wine cellar with proper humidity control may be the best long-term option.

6. Complete convenience

Built-in glass door beverage coolers offer the convenience of storing wine in a specific location that can be expanded to anywhere from a kitchen counter to a compact unit that fits perfectly in a cabinet. Rather than storing your wine in the basement or in a cabinet, keep it near your favorite serving area in the kitchen.

The best part about wine coolers is that they are portable. If you don't have space in your kitchen, or are looking for a larger unit, you can put it anywhere in your home you want.

 Let's Conclude

After looking at all the benefits of built-in under-counter glass door beverage coolers, I'm sure you'll want to buy under-counter wine coolers, refrigerators, and coolers. When it comes to price, consider the benefits of buying a slightly larger wine cooler for your growing group year after year. If you choose wisely, you won't have to buy a new wine cooler, and you can be careful with the one you purchase.


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